January 25, 2011

Fitting Room Photos: Crummy Interview

Due to the lack of a decent full length mirror, I had to resort to using the DP fitting room (better than the Office toilets) I had an interview at Céline today but after asking the interviewer for more info on the role I'm pretty sure I dont want it. Shame really, as the interview seemed to go well... meh.

 My blouse is from TM lewin, it has ALOT going on... but I like it.
 My shoes that allow me to run for trains with ease. they're from Risky, only 3 quid, so the crooked bows don't phase me.
 These are the boots I wore from station to interview and back again. My tights are from La Perla and the skirt is some stretchy thing I bought in C&A many, many moons ago. I think it was originally my school skirt...
So now I'm sitting and hoping my outfit scared them off so they wont call me.


  1. Hey, nothing wrong with an exciting blouse. I'm assuming the interview was for a position in the creative/design industry, elsewise those tights are risquéeeeee!

  2. yeah, this is the company website: http://www.celine.com/
    Would be working as admin for their concept designers and studio crap.

  3. I love the tights and the blouse!
