October 08, 2009

Charlotte- Gossip Girl chic

This is the Miss Selfridge skirt that I was rocking yesterday. I guess I was watching too much Gossip Girl the night before.... I've joined a gym now too so hopefully I'll be skinny enough to wear more funky things soon...

Also, this is the necklace from Accessorize that always gets compliments. Japanese people just can't understand how something so pretty and Japanese themed can be from Britain...


  1. well isn't that a gorgeous necklace!

    you look great.

  2. fuck, i thought that was part of the shirt! that woulda been a hot shirt.... but it's a cool necklace!

    necklaces are the only accessories i don't do, on accounta i got bit boobies and also get really annoyed having something around my neck... i feel like i'm choking!
